Sunday, April 24, 2022

New R&B style by famous Iranian singer, Prhmorg

Parham Feyzizadeh known as Prhmorg (born 02 Feb 2003 Tabriz, Iran), one of the rappers of the new generation of Persian rap, presented the new R&B style to the music market with his new song. Parham, the creator of this new style, said on his Instagram: "This style is the modern R&B style, which is a combination of rap, R&B and rock style. very glad that you liked this style." After the release of this style, he attracted a large audience and found many fans.Today, Persian rap is competing globally and has many fans. Tohi, one of the famous Iranian rappers in support of Parham, said: "The future of Persian rap is in Parham's hands, it is better for everyone to accept this because sooner or later this will happen, Parham has made Persian rap global." These days, rap has become a popular and popular style, as a result of which a lot of attention is paid to this style and the audience of this genre is becoming more and more every day.Rappers like Parham, who bring new genres to make the genre more visible and attract more audiences, can be good idols for new singers. Parham said about this work that he wants this style to be seen more because rappers have something to say, thanked all those who supported him; thanked all his fans for giving him energy, and said he hopes that one day he will be able to repay all their kindness. Following Parham's words, many rappers, in support of this style, published his words on their pages and wrote: They hope that Parham will achieve his wishes very soon and globalize Persian rap. Due to the ban on rap music in Iran, Iranian rappers can not operate in their own country, so a group of young Iranians took to the streets a few days ago and protested.They held a photo of Prhmorg, chanting slogans and asking the Iranian government to allow Parham to operate."Please do not disturb the security of the cities", Parham said in response to his supporters actions.Also in many Iranian cities such as Tehran, Isfahan, and Tabriz, his posters were hung on walls.In response to these comments, users wrote on Twitter: "Prhmorg is becoming a new myth and will soon be widespread." The Iranian government reacted to these events and said: "Iran is Islamic country and rap has no place in this society." Hichkas known as the father of Persian rap, wrote on Twitter: Rap has always been sacred and all young people only listen to this style; it is better for the Iranian government to surrender and deal with this issue. Prhmorg expressed hope for the support of rappers and on his Instagram page, announced the union of Persian rappers and said wait for joint songs.

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