Wednesday, June 8, 2022

What is THC-O? THC-O and THC Alternatives Explained

What is THC-O? THC-O and THC Alternatives Explained Cannabis and cannabinoids have always been a matter of curiosity, to both masses and individuals. Consequently, any new discovery made in this field attracts the attention of both scientists and normal people (especially those who consume cannabis products). Since the Farm Bill, 2018 exempted all the hemp-derived products containing >0.3% THC from the purview of legal action, people have been gravitating more toward the various options available in the market. Of course, cannabinoids like tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabidiol (CBD), and Delta-8 THC are quite well known already but then came many newer cannabinoids like THC-0, Delta-10 THC, HHC, THCP, etc., which made any newcomer (and even some old players) in the hemp-market intimidated. If you too are confused with the many names and don’t know what does what, we don’t blame you. Let us look at some of the major THC alternatives in detail, especially focusing on the newest member of the family, THC-0. THC-0-Acetate or THC-0 One of the newest members to join the THC-alternatives family is THC-0. It is a semi-synthetic cannabinoid made by esterification of either CBD, or Delta 8, or Delta 9 THC. The reaction starts with the conversion of CBD/Delta 9 THC to Delta 8 and then the latter is converted into THC-0-Acetate by the addition of acetic anhydride (a dangerous explosive). The reaction renders THC-0 molecules highly soluble in fat and increases their membrane permeability which results in increased bioavailability of the cannabinoid. Though THC-0 is said to be about 3 times as potent as the traditional THC is, it takes more time to start working. Research shows that this delay in onset is due to THC-0 being a ‘pro-drug’. A pro-drug has to be first metabolized by our body to become functional. However, as soon as THC-0 is metabolized and is converted into a highly bioavailable variation of THC, you’ll start noticing the effects.  As to the effect of THC-0, it is distinctly different from the other cannabinoids because of its psychedelic nature. Where THC induces a euphoric feeling and makes you intoxicated, THC-0 can have a hallucinatory effect. THC-0 edibles will be slow to work, so if you wish to get high faster, THC-0 disposable pen would be a better option for you.    Delta-8 THC An isomer of Delta 9 THC, Delta 8 is much less potent than the former. In fact, it is only half as potent as THC which makes it a good starting point for those who’re new to cannabinoids. The advantage (or disadvantage, if you want something stronger) of delta 8 is that though it is very mild, it still creates a high that is uplifting and calming. It also has certain other properties like being a painkiller, antiemetic, and anxiolytic. The cannabinoid is also relatively safer when compared to most of the other THC alternatives.  Delta-10 THC  Another (lesser-known) isomer of Delta 9 THC is Delta 10 but it is synthetic in origin as it was accidentally formed in a lab. It is significantly less potent than Delta 9 and is also a notch lower than Delta 8 but it does have some psychoactive properties. Its effect is said to be uplifting and energizing which might boost one’s creative activities. Delta-10 is known to release stress and help you sleep better. THCP Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC is an analog (homolog, to be specific)  of THC that is naturally occurring in cannabis plants but in very low amounts. Its discovery was also accidental, like Delta-10 THC’s. As per the available research data, it is found to be about 33 times more active than THC in binding with the CB1 receptors of our endocannabinoid system. This means that THCP is extremely intoxicating and creates an intense euphoric high. If you’ve used THC-0 and you wish to use something even stronger, you may want to try THCP products. HHC Hexahydrocannabinol or HHC is nothing but hydrogenated THC, that is, it is formed in the lab by adding hydrogen molecules to the THC derived from hemp. HHC has been in the cannabis world for a while now but it is now that the cannabinoid is being given public attention. HHC is a more stable cannabinoid than THC and hence, has a longer shelf life and it can withstand higher temperatures and photo damage. Its effects are still not fully known but the anecdotal evidence shows that it is more effective than CBD and almost as effective as THC.  Conclusion THC-0 and THCP are two of the most recent additions to the cannabinoid world and both of them are more potent than THC. On the other hand, the older Delta-8, Delta-10, and HHC are not too extreme in their potency and are more stable than THC. If we are to order THC and its alternatives in increasing order of potency, it’d look something like this- Delta-10 < Delta-8 < HHC and THC < THC-0 < THCP. Hence, if you want something light, go for Delta 10 gummies or Delta 8 vape and if you wish to have an intense experience, a THC-0 cartridge or THCP tincture would be better suited for you. HHC and THC remain in the mid-spectrum.  However, it is important to note that their legal status remains gray as most of them are synthetically produced and hence, might not be included under the ambit of the Farm Bill, 2018. Also, each of these cannabinoids (especially the stronger ones) can have several side effects, therefore, you must start with a low dose and exercise caution while under their effect. Ultimately, it's on you to decide what to go for and on your body to see how it reacts to a specific cannabinoid.

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