Thursday, October 7, 2021

Intensive Good Canine Citizen Training Course now available on SDTSI’s web portal

SDTSI’s course based - good canine citizen training is definitely one of the most basic training courses offered by the school, and it could not be left out the list of courses made available online by Service Dog Training School International. This course trains dogs to behave in private and in public and lays the basis for further training as service dog or therapy dog. It prepares dogs to undergo the American Kennels Club Canine Good Citizen test (AKC CGC), so that they can be certified as CGC. There are many benefits in getting a dog certified for CGC, first and foremost at the end of the training the dog owner will have a good mannered and obedient dog, and both dog and owner will have a better mutual understanding and a stronger bond. The dog will be able to handle itself gracefully in public and will be a welcome addition to the community. With the AKC CGC certificate, the dog will be able to attend therapy dog training courses, which now require the canine good citizen certification as a prerequisite. Travelling with a CGC dog companion will be so much easier, as CGC dogs are well accepted at restaurants, hotels, and other businesses. CGC certification will play a significant role also when applying for home leasing or renting. Some organizations even offer discounts to CGC certified dogs. It is a course to consider if you love your dog and want him by your side not only at home, but also going for a walk in the park or city center, going shopping or travelling in total safety. The course based - good canine citizen training available on Service Dog Training School International website, which can be taken completely online on your computer or on portable devices through the SDTSI app, provides training for all ten skills required by the CGC test: 1.      Accepting a friendly stranger 2.      Sitting politely for petting 3.      Allowing basic grooming 4.      Walking on a loose lead 5.      Walking through a crowd 6.      Sitting and lying down on command and staying in place 7.      Coming when called 8.      Reacting appropriately to another dog 9.      Reaction appropriately to distractions 10.   Calmly enduring supervised separation The course and test have no dog breed or age limitation, any dog can be able to successfully pass the test if properly trained. Trainers at Service Dog Training School International provide one-on-one support and tutoring during the course, to make sure the dog can reach its milestones and pass the test smoothly. Plus, the techniques they employ in training are all based on positive reinforcement, aiming at establishing the strongest possible bond between dog and owner, which makes the training just so much fun for both. You can learn more about SDTSI’s course based - good canine citizen training on ServiceDogTrainingSchool website.

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