Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Giverly - Changing the world one purchase at a time

Online shopping may have transformed your lives but can it help you change other lives too? “We all have dreamt about changing the world and even today when we see somebody living in poverty or experiencing something wrong, we wish we could do something about it, but somewhere along the way we get bound by countless responsibilities, we get busy chasing our own ambitions & fulfilling our wants and that dream is left unfulfilled, we at Giverly, want to give the people another chance at that dream”, says Sagar Menon, Founder & CEO. Imagine a world where consumers, charities, and brands come together to make the world a better place. Imagine if you could fulfill other people’s needs while fulfilling your own wants. Giverly seeks to turn this vision into reality through its online platform that converts online shopping into free and meaningful donations towards some of the world’s most pressing social issues. With over 500 partner online stores that have joined hands with Giverly to give a part of their revenue to make a positive impact on the world, Giverly takes care of all your online shopping needs while giving you a chance to support & raise funds for a cause of your choice without spending anything extra.  On one hand, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on Charities, particularly the ones that rely on fundraising events as they have experienced a significant decrease in donations. As a result, the charities are struggling to carry out their social activities while the importance of the work they do has increased multifold. On the other hand, the pandemic has accelerated the shift towards a more digital world where people are relying on online shopping more than ever and this trend is here to stay. "If people come together and join Giverly in their efforts, a perfect solution to this problem is just a few clicks away, the beauty of the platform is that part of every online purchase will now go to saving a life, giving somebody a home, or providing food to the hungry," said Jazlaan Saeed, Founder & CTO. The next time you shop online at your favorite stores, go through www. giverly.co so that this time your dream of changing the world does not go unfulfilled

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