Sunday, January 24, 2021

RWI Synthetics Inc. Partners with Supercomputer, ISAIC

Edmonton, Alberta (January 22, 2021) - Advancing the state-of-the-art in Edmonton, RUNWITHIT SyntheticsInc. (RWI) and the University of Alberta’s (U of A) high performance computing and resources via ISAIC(Industry Sandbox and AI Computing), have joined forces to explore massive scale Single SyntheticEnvironments without compute restriction in the areas of human movement and behaviour, energytransition, and cyber outages. RWI has a long running relationship with the U of A. 72% of RWI’s team are U of A graduates. ThroughRWI’s support of U of A work experience and internship programs, RWI continues to benefit from a poolof international, diverse talent. Other RWI U of A collaborations include capstone project opportunitiesfor both Computer Science 401 and MBA students in Strategic Management and Organization 641. RWIis also working on some ground-breaking research into COVID-19 and Grid Resilience, recently awardedone of the few National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) COVID-19Alliance projects outside of Health, with Dr. Hao Liang, the Canada Research Chair in Intelligent EnergySystems. Continuing this relationship, RWI is beginning to work with ISAIC. ISAIC provides high performancecomputing and resources and was originally funded by Western Economic Diversification and is housed at the University of Alberta’s Faculty of Engineering providing small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs),like RWI, with affordable, tailorable and scalable infrastructure and high-performance computingresources. “ISAIC’s team takes away the worry by keeping up to speed with the fast evolution of computinginfrastructure,” says Myrna Bittner, CEO and Co-founder of RWI, “our IT team and management can focus on what is core to RWI’s business with confidence our data is secure, stays local and IP remains ours.” ISAIC’s mission is to accelerate adoption and commercialization of AI technology in Western Canadathrough infrastructure and applied knowledge. Entrepreneurs and innovators have access to a dedicated,open, secure cloud computing environment that can quickly scale based on the needs of localbusinesses. “ISAIC was founded by a group of entrepreneurs to ensure local start-ups had access to affordable,scalable high-performance computing whenever they needed”, explains Crys Vanier, Executive Director,“our clients, future-enabling companies like RWI, are guiding ISAIC’s drive to be a local sandbox environment where companies can access diverse datasets and bring together various domain andapplication experts, researchers and students to solve real problems at a scale that is often out of reach.” RWI’s journey with supercomputers began several decades ago when RWI was given access to Cray Y-MP EL, a computer from Seymour Cray that, at the time, was gaining more widespread availability.These technologies allowed for the exploration and formulation of the many innovations that RWI hasbrought to market. Having this technology as a business resource in Western Canada showscommitment to the next generation of infrastructure and U of A’s investment and contribution to thetechnology ecosystem. When discussing the opportunity to use ISAIC’s high performance infrastructure, Dean Bittner, Co-Founderand CVO, said, “we are excited to be rediscovering this tradition by beginning to explore our latestgeneration of technology, i2, on virtual machines at ISAIC, right here in our founding city, Edmonton,Alberta. This collaboration will allow RWI to refine our technologies coming to market in the near and farfuture.” ABOUT RUNWITHIT SYNTHETICS (RWI) RUNWITHIT Synthetics (RWI) is a women-led, Certified Aboriginal Business accelerating the newrequirements of complex, multivariate decision support. In Single Synthetic Environments, RWI bringspeople, technology, infrastructure and the environment to life, in-silico, to de-risk and optimize energytransition, mobility solutions, resilience investments, sustainable technology, and disaster response.These hyper-localized interconnected modelling environments address disruptive changes that require anew approach for designing and deploying various combinations of solutions to meet specific locationalneeds and objectives. ABOUT INDUSTRY SANDBOX AND AI COMPUTING (ISAIC) ISAIC (Industry Sandbox and AI Computing) provides local high-performance computing that isaffordable, tailorable, and scalable. As a data sandbox, ISAIC offers SMEs, large enterprises, andacademics pursuing applied AI/ML projects to experiment and collaborate seamlessly in a secure virtualenvironment. Through strategic partnerships, ISAIC connects applied knowledge and resources to helplocal entrepreneurs and businesses accelerate their AI projects in Western Canada. RUNWITHIT SYNTHETIC Inc. MEDIA CONTACT: Myrna Bittner CEO Founder1 780 999 3755myrna@runwithitsynthetics.comwww.runwithitsynthetics.comTwitterLinkedin ISAIC’s MEDIA CONTACT: Crys Vanier Executive Director, ISAICcrys.vanier@ualberta.cawww.isaic.aiTwitterLinkedin

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